*and a few other things


SilubiFi™ is a provenance application for the finance industry. SilubiFi™ provides a rating of products, business performance and supply chain data. The rating enables lenders, borrowers, supply chain participants and invested parties to monitor and manage risk.

For Lenders

SilubiFi™ helps lenders to verify performance records and reduce monitoring costs, highlighting identified problems as they arise and reducing borrower default risk.

For Borrowers

SilubiFi™ is geared towards helping small and medium sized enterprises satisfy risk assessment criteria of lenders with verified and validated data helping MSMEs meet reporting requirements.

Quickly Identify Problems

SilubiFi™’s rating provides an intuitive at-a-glance indicator of product performance enabling quick response to problems as they happen.

Warning indicators guide user attention to specific areas of concern focussing investigation time into problem areas.

Investigation into problematic supply chain events captured by Silubi™ is aided with detailed descriptions of problems linked to verifiable data sources and clear colour coding of values which do not conform to expectation.

Reduce Monitoring Costs

Updates to the SilubiFi™ rating and the record of supply chain events can be scheduled to be retrieved periodically or on demand giving you the latest information at your fingertips and reducing reliance on timely reporting periods or costly auditing processes.

SilubiFi™ aims to bridge the MSME finance gap by providing both borrowers and lenders with a verified and validated assessment of products and supply chain data these businesses need to meet assessment and monitoring requirements.

Privacy by Design

SilubiFi™ exposes data trails left behind by products as they move through the supply chain. Following these data trails to their source exposes sequences of activities, items and data that shed insight into questions such as who created documents, why emissions targets may be being missed or even how the SilubiFi™ rating came to be updated.

Importantly these data trails are anonymous, protecting user privacy and confidential or sensitive business data meaning permissioned partners can share data whilst protecting trade secrets.

The building blocks of verification
Data trails exposed by SilubiFi™ are designed to be writable to blockchain, exploiting the community, immutability and tamper protection this technology offers.

How SilubiFi™ Works

SilubiFi™ create profile image
Silubi™ system image
SilubiFi™ rating measurement image
‘Expected’ product profile agreed between lender & borrower.
Data provided to Silubi™. Provenance relationships mapped & data store created.
SilubiFi™ rating generated. Data monitoring updates rating throughout product life-cycle.
Lender has option to adjust terms (eg. interest rate) or take mitigating action (eg. margin call) in response to updated risk profile.
Borrower can respond to problems in real time to reduce risk profile of product and avoid contract penalties from lender.

"I had difficulties explaining 'HOW' we got to those numbers since there is no science behind it."

− Senior Director Standard & Poor's

The SilubiFi™ rating uses the science of provenance to score goods and raw materials based on verifiable data which is captured about the product throughout its lifecycle. Expected values, negotiated between borrower & lender, are based on data from similar historical events of similar products captured by Silubi™.

Each rating is underpinned with explorable data backed by verifiable records meaning you are always able to understand the underlying causes behind rating movements.

SilubiFi™ Application Screenshots

Screen shot of SilubiFi™ dashboard
Screen shot of SilubiFi™ dimension view
Screen shot of SilubiFi™ rating charts
Screen shot of SilubiFi™ contract data
Screen shot of SilubiFi™ blockchain info
Screen shot of SilubiFi™ identified discrepancies
Screen shot of SilubiFi™ dashboard Screen shot of SilubiFi™ dimension view Screen shot of SilubiFi™ rating charts Screen shot of SilubiFi™ contract data Screen shot of SilubiFi™ blockchain info Screen shot of SilubiFi™ identified discrepancies
SilubiFi™ chart view provides visualisations of performance data over the lifecycle of the product. SilubiFi™ overview screen dispays a summary of events, activities, associated data trails and alerts for exploration. SilubiFi™ product rating window showing SilubiFi™ rating of overall product performance, measured & tracked over time. SilubiFi™ contract terms window details product performance measurement weighting and threshold settings. SilubiFi™ blockchain view aligns data trails (middle) with thier corresponing block (right). Product performance alerts highlight production activity occuring outside of agreed expectation.
Want to know more? Get in touch